A Headache

I hate headaches (not as much as I do throwing up but close). I don’t know about you but they render me practically useless which is pretty much what I have been all day today.

No excuses tomorrow though, I have to be able to get up, saddle, get to the south camp, and be ready to ride at first light (cold or not, sick or not).

I’m glad it’s the two smaller herds headed home; it’s suppose to be pretty chilly. Then Tuesday the two bigger herds but it’s supposed to warm up some. Every year is a little different some years it’s nice, sometimes cold, one year it was really foggy.

Whatever it is it will all be ok as long as I don’t have this headache.


2 responses to “A Headache

  1. Hope you are feeling better

  2. Do you ever use essential oils for headaches? I use Young Living oils, they have some that are really effective for headaches and other pain. Mgrain, specially made for migraines, and Deep Relief are my favourites. Call me if you want to try them.

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