Daily Archives: August 29, 2010

Sunday Stills-Figurines

This little salt shaker is the only thing my cowboy has of his grandmother’s. It’s chipped but he loves it.

This is my favorite thing from my grandmother in Wales. I never met her but I’m sure she is very special.

This little guy holds some special meaning to us. One time when we leaders for a 4-H light horse club we had a Halloween costume party at the indoor arena with our horses. The only costume we had that fit our youngest daughter was a Santa Claus suit, so I made antlers and a red nose just like this for her horse. They made a really cute pair.

I guess this is more a sculpture than a figurine. Our oldest daughter bought it for us because she said that is how she always remembered us (we’ve been in love for a long time).

But I think these are the most appropriate for a Sunday.