Monthly Archives: February 2015

The Interview

Well I think the interview went ok. Hope we didn’t sound too desperate to get the job but we kinda are. Guess they still have some figuring to do. They probably have to call references.

Now all we can do is wait on pins and needles. I’ll let you all know when we hear.

Thanks for helping out in the prayer department. I point blank asked the Lord to please let us have the job but I’ll try real hard to accept his will either way.


A Job

Interview tonight. Please say a prayer. I’ll let you know tomorrow




Got this for Valentine’s Day. Love it. Gonna use it lots.

Spring Fever

Valentine’s Day tomorrow so it’s officially spring fever time. With feeling down seeming like my new normal, my doctor asked me what it would take to make me happy. I told what you all know: my old life, prairie, cows, being in nature all day long, not the basement.

Not really a possibility, not that we haven’t been trying. He suggested a house with a garden. I wonder if the garden couldn’t be just a patch of native grass with some crosses in the spring, the smell of sage, maybe a cactus flower or two.





My cowboy tapes a TV show and without fail watches every episode, me too. It is about a vet in Michigan called Dr. Pol. His is in his 70s and originally from Holland. Awesome man, so valuable to the farming area where he lives.

I wonder why my cowboy is so fascinated with the show. I wonder if it’s because he thinks he’ll learn something because it’s definitely educational. I wonder if it’s his way of still being around horses, cattle, dogs, cats, goats, all the other farm animals and pets we both love and miss.

I guess those are reasons why I watch the show with him. But what I see is a a man like my cowboy, a hero saving lives of animals and by doing that helping the people who own and care about those animals.

I watched him out on the prairie everyday doing what in my mind were such heroic things, often putting his own safety and even sometimes his life on the line to help some sick or struggling animal. I knew that even when I wasn’t there to see, when no one was there to see, he was still doing all that heroic stuff.

I guess something I have struggled to come to terms with is the waste of a one good hero, stuck behind the wheel of a bunch of steel and lifeless rubber.
