Daily Archives: July 11, 2013

Girl Day

I stayed in to do girl stuff today (dying my hair). No pictures of that boring kind of stuff.

My cowboy was out sorting cattle with the boss (all done on horseback) so he came in for supper with a big smile.

We haven’t officially moved in yet so we are kind of camping out in a vacant trailer at the main ranch. The previous hired man at the south end will be moving this weekend some time and then we can move in to the trailer there. Nothing fancy, kind of cowboy digs but that’s what you expect being married to a cowboy. I’ve been pretty spoiled for the last 15 years as far as housing goes but I’ll adjust.

The old folks have a home down there too. She’s 86 and he’ll be 90 this year. They are the ones who made a lot of sacrifices to make this the good ranch it is. They don’t do much anymore but have a right to stay on the ranch as long as they can. I haven’t met them yet but I’m betting I’ll like them.

This picture was from yesterday. I didn’t notice that while riding this bit of greenery got stuck in my rope till I got teased about the decoration I had added to my tack. Cowboy humor!
