Daily Archives: July 21, 2013


Well, I didn’t think I would miss having a phone or Internet but I am surprised at how much I use those things. No landline yet, no Internet, and the cell phones plain don’t work in the porcupine hills where we live. So when we go into town is the only time to post.

So here is the new digs. It’s an old trailer with problems. Embarrassingly I admit I’m “sponge bathing” as my mother used to call it. Hopefully that changes soon. It’s going to take some real work to replace the leaking hot water tank, ruined floor and yucky tub/ shower. Oh well, there”s always trade offs.
This is the view looking back down the road we travel to get home. The viewed are real pretty.



Gus likes it, and the other dogs and the cats we brought with us, so I can make do, even if my phone doesn’t work.